"Find Your Marine Data Science Talent" - call for company applications!

As a follow up to the initial meeting with representatives from the maritime technology sector, a consortium of MarDATA, Ki-Wi Kieler Wirtschaftsförderung, GMT - German Association for Marine Technology, Maritime Cluster Northern Germany, Digital Economy Schleswig-Holstein (DiWiSH) has set up an in-person event at TransMarTech SH in Kiel.

As a follow up to the initial meeting with representatives from the maritime technology sector, a consortium of  MarDATA, Ki-Wi Kieler Wirtschaftsförderung, GMT - German Association for Marine TechnologyMaritime Cluster Northern GermanyDigital Economy Schleswig-Holstein (DiWiSH) has set up an in-person event at TransMarTech SH in Kiel.

The aim is to bring the companies together with the doctoral students in person. A "reverse pitch" format is planned, in which the companies will have the opportunity to explain their need for marine data scientists in detail and to present the special content and technical requirements using examples. Afterwards, the direct exchange between companies and doctoral students is made possible.

Companies that want to take part in this event have to register with a short application. The MarDATA doctoral students then decide which 5 companies will be invited to the event.